With how often we interact with our smartphones, it’s important to ensure that it works fast and efficiently. But without the ability to truly gauge where your smartphone is lacking could mean that you’re not kept up to speed on the current pace of technology. If you’re considering a phone upgrade but not sure where to start, here are a few telltale signs to look out for.
Something to process
The processor in a nutshell is your phone’s brain. A slow processor is telling of your phone, yearning to retire. If you face lags, overheating and random shutdowns, it’s time to consider an upgrade. This is especially true for those who enjoy mobile gaming as these often require a lot of processing power.
Storage wars
If you find yourself constantly deleting photos and apps just to keep your phone running, you definitely would want an upgrade. Of course you could opt for cloud storage or even a USB drive but this could mean having to deal with additional plug-ins that could affect your experience.
Up for a date
Is your phone still receiving security and software updates? If you no longer receive updates your data could be vulnerable to threats. This could be a huge issue as our phones often carry a lot of very important information like banking details, ewallets, subscriptions and more.
Not so picture perfect
Those who are active on social media would want to pay attention to this feature. If the photos or videos that you take look terrible when compared to what you’ve been seeing on Instagram, it may be time to invest in a phone with newer camera features like image stabilisation, improved zoom and low-light capabilities.
Cracking up
Are there cracks, scratches or dents on your phone? While you could get away with a few minor scratches, a distinctive crack across your screen would be a good enough reason for an upgrade. Of course you could consider repairing your device but costs could often escalate to the point where it makes more sense to replace your phone.
Battery could be better
How often do you charge your phone in a day? Spending too much time with your phone being plugged in is clearly a sign for a change. Other signs of problematic batteries are bloating phones, overheating and slow charging speeds.
Now that you’ve identified the factors that call for a phone upgrade, it’s time to go phone shopping! Don’t worry, if you’re looking for an awesome phone without having to pay big bucks, you can check out our range of high quality second-hand devices at super affordable prices.